sábado, 25 de julho de 2009

TRL Camera

Artist's Comments

A long rambly description of how to make a twin lens reflex camera from a Tamron box:

In Optics class we were assigned to make from scratch a functional film camera out of whatever supplies available in the engineering room and from home.

For my camera, I went with a twin lens reflex design so I wouldn't have to deal with the moving mirror component were I to have chosen a single lens reflex design. The twin lens reflex design also offers a better viewscreen than the viewfinder design.

I used my Tamron 90mm F2.8 lens box as the basis for the camera. The good thing about the Tamron box is that it has two layers of boxes, originally for better protection of the lens. But two layers also helps prevent light leaks. The inside of the box was painted black to prevent reflection of light were any to get in. More in roseonthegrey (...)

Um comentário:

Super Lana disse...

se fosse em português!!
muito lindo seu blog...
achei legal as figuras, os texttos!!
